Saturday, February 06, 2010

An Introduction to Private Label Rights (PLR) Product Creation - Part 1

This is the first in a series of articles discussing ways in which to profit from creating your own  private label rights (plr) products. 

You’ve no doubt seen all manner of products with varying rights attached to them.  Often these products and the rights they include can be confusing.  But it’s important to know the difference because they are NOT the same and you can get into serious trouble by violating copyright laws if you’re not careful.

Your understanding of the various ‘rights’ terms is equally important when it comes to creating and distributing your own products - you don’t give away more than you intend to by mistake, or experience weak sales because you didn’t use the right language when explaining your offer.

The basic rights you’ll most commonly come across, in general terms, are as follows. They each have variations, but this will give you an idea:
Unrestricted Private Label Rights – the most flexible of all rights and therefore most valuable.  You can do nearly anything with these products including renaming, branding and selling as your own, editing, and bundling with other products in a package.  You can also give them away, and you can sell or giveaway rights for others to resell, master resell, or private label.  The danger with giving these rights is nothing prevents buyers from turning a product around and selling it the same day at ½ the price and stealing your sales.

Private Label Rights – similar to unrestricted in that you can rewrite, edit, and call products your own.  But usually they have some limitations like only sell above a certain price and cannot give for free.

Master Resell Rights – Resell Rights, vs. Private Label Rights allow you to resell products but not edit them in any way.  You cannot call them your own, you cannot add or edit the content.  With Master Resell Rights, you can also give away the resell rights to others, and often you can give away the Master Resell Rights, allowing others to resell the resell rights.

Resell Rights – these are the weakest of all rights and therefore least valuable.  You can only resell the product.  You cannot change it in any way and you cannot giveaway or sell resell rights.

Why Create Private Label Rights Products?

I’m sure you’ve at least heard the buzz about Private Label Rights products, if you’re not already selling them for profit.  There is a very good reason these products are so popular and sell like wildfire…
The #1 Challenge for Internet Marketers is to consistently generate new products and new content to promote and sell.
And why is it the #1 challenge?  Because it is very time consuming and costly - you need the subject matter, knowledge, ability to organize your thoughts and write well, creativity to design graphics and ecovers, and the tools to put it all together.  And, even with all that, it can take 20 full hours or more to create a top quality product.

So the reason is simple - if you can systematically create high quality ebooks and info products packed with useful information that look professional, you can cash in because marketers will literally beat a path to your door and beg you to sell it to them!
In the next article we'll take a look at how you can do it…


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